

Best Places to Visit in the Netherlands

Date published 12 June 2024
Whether you're planning to work in the Netherlands or just visiting for fun, this blog will guide you through the best places to explore in this beautiful country. From vibrant cities to serene landscapes, the Netherlands offers a unique mix of historical and modern attractions suitable for every taste.
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Real hospitality and decent living conditions for international workers. How this Dutch recruitment agency does things differently. (1)

Date published 26 June 2024
The recruitment of international workers is a sensitive subject in The Netherlands. Despite the current shortages on the labor market and the increasing demand for skilled workers, recruiting internationals remains a difficult topic. The reason? Poor housing facilities. Over the past two decades more and more agencies have put effort and time in this form of recruitment. Especially citizens from Eastern European countries are quite willing to work in The Netherlands. Employing international workers is beneficial for both parties. Corporations have their vacancies filled and the workers are earning up to four times as much compared to their home country. Unfortunately international workers often have to live in poor housing conditions. Old containers, small rooms and unclean apartments are often offered as living facilities. Internationals are packed in small spaces, sometimes to the point where they have to share basic facilities with several others. In some cases there is hardly any assistance from the recruitment agency at all. This is unacceptable and has to change immediately, according to agency owner Nigel Wood. The British entrepreneur came to the Netherlands in the 1990s. He started LabourLink, a recruitment agency for internationals that would do things differently.
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